Made with 100% cotton material and double stitched with care. Inside is potassium polyacrylate/ polyacrylamide copolymer

 *Use the wrap on those hot summer days around your neck to ward off heat exhaustion or to just cool off.

*Spectator or participant keeps you cool. Use during baseball, soccer, football, biking, hiking, gardening or any out door activity.

*No air-conditioning,  use indoors while cooking, cleaning or just relaxing.

*Fantastic for factory work, school lunch kitchens and more.

*Use the wrap for hot flashes. The wrap and or pillow is excellent for bed time, for those hot nights or night-sweats and enjoy a cool and pleasant nights sleep.

*Placing a cool wrap or pillow as soon as possible over a bruise, strains and sprains will limit and or reduce the size of the black and blue mark, numbing the pain and reducing the swelling.

*Soothe and release pain in joints, muscles and bones,arthritis, fibromyalgia back pain, old injuries, rheumatic pain, cramps, tooth aches, bruises and much, much more

*Applied to the forehead to help sooth headaches and even migraines, applied to the wrist alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel and tendinitis.

*Place on bug or animal bites to reduce swelling and itching. Against the cheek or jaw area that contains a tooth ache to reduce swelling and numb the pain

*Excellent for any injury, pre or post surgery. Please follow your doctor’s instructions. Not only will this diminish pain and swelling it may reduce the length of your recovery.